The Venture Bros is an American sci-fi television series created and directed by Christopher McCulloch who is also popularly known as Jackson Publick . The series was one of the longest-ran series for original network Adult Swim.
After a pilot episode, the series aired on 7th of August, 2004 and the first season ended on October 30, 2004 with 13 episodes. The series has a total of 7 seasons among which 4 are special and consists of a total of 81 episodes having an average run time of 22-24 minutes.
The last season that was Venture Bros Season 7 aired on August 5, 2018 and concluded on October 7, 2018 with a total of 10 episodes.
The series has gained much love during the span of fifteen years; however, they came up with only 7 seasons during that period of time which seems to be less though.
We know that the action-comedy lovers want to know about The Venture Bros Season 8 and here’s we know everything about the subject so far.
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When Is the Venture Bros Season 8 Scheduled to Release?
After the finale episode of the seventh season, the series was confirmed to be renewed for its final and eighth season. But on September 5, 2020, Ken Plume who is one of the show’s illustrators took to Twitter to share that “The Venture Bros.” renewal was dismissed.
And after two days of this tweet, the creator of the show Jackson Publick also confirmed about the cancellation. The script for the eighth season had been partly written during the time of its cancellation a couple of months prior to announcement.
The original network, Adult Swim also tweeted after the announcement, “We also want more Venture Bros. and have been working with Jackson and Doc to find another way to continue the Venture Bros. story”. Later, on November 13, 2020, Andy Forssell, HBO Max general manager took to Twitter and stated HBO Max was “working on” reviving The Venture Bros.
On May 12, 2021, it was declared that a direct-to-video film is under production from Adult Swim, which will sum up the story from the series, and premiere on HBO Max ninety days after its home video release.
The eighth season of The Venture Bros has been canceled. As of now, all we know regarding the cancellation of Venture Bros Season 8 is that Adult Swim has asked for ten episodes for the ninth season.
The Cast of the Venture Bros. Season 8
If Season 8 of the series happens, then we may probably see all the lead characters return once again to reprise their roles. Here are the names:
- Hank in the role of Christopher McCulloch
- Michael Sinterniklaas is portrayed by Thomas Venture
- Thomas Joiner for portraying the character of Dr. Thaddeus “Rusty” Venture, a real-life surgeon
- Brock Samson in the role of Patrick Warburton
- Dr. Jonas Venture is a Paul Boocock analog in the novel Dr. Jonas Venture as Paul Boocock
- Monarch in the character of McCulloch
- Girlfriend in Dr. Hammer’s Office
- Baron Werner Underbheit in the role of T. Ryder Smith in The Sunday Project (2014)
- The Infantile Limb of James Urbaniak Is the Phantom Limb
- Dr. Byron Orpheus in the role of Dr. Steven Rattazzi
- Hammer Billy Quizboy as a character from Mr. Wonderful
There may be certain additions as well, we will have to wait for the updates until the announcement.
What Led to the Cancellation of “the Venture Bros. Season 8”?
The famous and long-running animated series The Venture Bros. has been canceled by its original network Adult Swim. In spite of this, the adventures may not be over. On Monday, South Park’s creator, Christopher McCulloch, announced the cancellation on Twitter. The Season 8 of The Venture Bros has been delayed following 7 years.
The cancellation of the show was declared by its producers. As per The Hollywood Reporter, the show was not renewed for an eighth season by Adult Swim on Monday.
The cancellation came as a result of a mass of negative news about the eighth season. Additionally, the program was not flawless from any standpoint.
Well, as of now, the eight season stands cancelled, but who knows it may get renewed after some time, but these are only speculations, we need to wait until the creators or Adult Swim announce something regarding that.