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Terry Crews Wife Illness: Which Disease Affected Her Health?

Terry Crews Wife Illness

Terry Crews Wife Illness

Terry Crews, well-known for his energetic presence in the entertainment world is going through a tough time in his personal life—his wife is dealing with an illness. Despite being a strong and resilient figure, Terry Crews has openly shared this difficult journey giving us a closer look at how his wife’s illness is affecting their lives.

In this post, we’ll explore the details of Terry Crews’ wife’s illness, understanding the challenges they face and the strength and support that help the Crews family navigate through this tough period.

From Which Illness Terry Crews’ Wife Suffering From?

Rebecca King-Crews is the wife of Terry Crews. When the world experienced the coronavirus pandemic, Rebecca Crews singer and wife of actor Terry Crews faced another terrifying health scare. She faced a health challenge when she was diagnosed with stage 1 breast cancer in April 2020. 

She underwent a double mastectomy and reconstructive surgery as part of her treatment. She told:

“Though it was Stage 1, you’re overwhelmed with fear, like cancer is this all-consuming, all-powerful evil entity.”

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Is Terry Crews Wife’ Fine Now?

Rebecca King-Crews is now cancer-free and resting at home in Pasadena, California. She opened up about surviving cancer and what it’s taught her. Below you will read about her cancer journey in detail.

Rebecca King-Crews

How Did Terry Crews Wife’s Cancer Journey Start?

Terry Crews’ wife shared her cancer journey in an interview. Her journey started around 12 years ago when she had a radial scar a small, pre-cancerous lump removed from her right breast.

Last year, a tiny, malignant growth was removed from her mother’s breast. She claims other than that, no one in Crews’ family had a history of cancer. Despite receiving a clean mammogram, Crews persisted in having her breasts examined via ultrasound. She remembers, “I had this instinct that it was better to be safe than sorry.”

Her right breast had a little, enlarged lump that was discovered by that ultrasound and needed to be biopsied. Crews said she felt uncannily at ease while lying on the examination table. She says:

“I just thought to myself, ‘Okay, if they find something, Rebecca, just cut it off and reconstruct it,’”.

After the tissue was examined for malignancy, Crews was forced to wait for the results of her biopsy. Crews received the call as she was seated in her driveway. She said:

“After the call I had this clear vision of myself stepping through a door, and on the other side of this door, the sun was shining brightly and I was very happy, I just had this sense that I was going to be okay.”

Terry was the first person she told. The 51-year-old presenter of America’s Got Talent approached him with the news as she was working out in their home gym. She says:

“My husband has watched me go through a lot, but the look on his face … he looked at me like I was going to die, He told me it felt like his insides were melting. I said, ‘I need you to be strong for me,’ and he said, ‘Okay’ and hugged me, but I think he needed that hug.”

The crews had surgery. One of Terry’s rare days off from his demanding work schedule was March 3rd, which allowed him to visit her in the hospital with her pastor, Marguerite Reeve and her college best friend, Muriel. Crews did not require radiation therapy since all precancerous and cancerous tumors were removed during her double mastectomy which she opted to have.

However, Crews has encountered unforeseen difficulties in her recuperation since the coronavirus epidemic struck including a weakened immune system and dangerous follow-up consultations.

Terry Crews Wife

She had to go to her reconstructive surgeon, Dr. Leif Rogers, in Beverly Hills about a week ago to have the tubes that were draining fluid from her chest after the operation taken out.

She continues, saying that since both illnesses cause pressure in the chest, it has been challenging to distinguish between symptoms of coronavirus and post-mastectomy discomfort.

She says:

“I’ve been so nervous, too, because a couple times I’ve woken up in the middle of the night with trouble breathing and thought, ‘Oh no,’”

Crews have been recuperating at home under Terry’s care. Crews say:

“I have to give him his props because he’s been cooking for me, helping me bathe, and just really stepping up, I tease him all the time, I’m like, Did I have to get cancer to be treated like this?!’ ”

Rebecca claims that as an additional precaution, he has been doing all of the grocery shopping and that she is sleeping in the guest room. With their two youngest children, Wynfrey and Isiah the couple is practicing social distancing at home during the epidemic, much like many other families throughout the nation.

We wish for Rebecca King-Crews good health. For more information related to other stars’ life including their illness, health-related surgeries and more updates you can follow our Twitter account.

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