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Charlotte Garside Obituary: Is the Girl Alive or Dead?

Charlotte Garside Obituary

Charlotte Garside Obituary

People are curious about whether Charlotte Garside is alive or not and this post has all the details you need. We understand there’s uncertainty, so our goal is to provide clear information. We want to help everyone in the community by addressing this curiosity.

Is The News of Charlotte Garside’s Death True?

Charlotte Garside is the world’s smallest girl. As of yet, it is not yet officially confirmed whether Charlotte Garside has died or not. There is no current information on what she is doing recently and her parents have not shared any information related to her death.

Whenever we get any official confirmation we will share it with you. Till then you can get other information related to Charlotte Garside.

Charlotte Garside

When Was Charlotte Garside Born?

The world’s tiniest girl “Charlotte Garside” is a British citizen and she was born in 2007. Because of her low birth weight of less than one kilogram, the doctors did not believe she had much chance of survival. When she was born, her weight was only 0.9 kg.

The parents of Charlotte believe their little girl looks like a porcelain doll or Thumbelina. The girl is about 68 centimeters tall. Despite the pregnancy proceeding as planned, she was delivered one month ahead of schedule.

When Charlotte’s mother was admitted to the hospital, the doctors were astonished to find that she was 36 weeks pregnant; they had assumed she was only 24 weeks along. The doctors warned the girl’s parents that she might not survive her birth.

Nevertheless, this did not happen. Charlotte chose to fight. She turned fifteen in 2022. But she struggles with her illness every day. Below you will read about her illness.

Below we provided our latest posts related to the other persons who died recently:

Charlotte Garside Illness

Charlotte has an extremely rare condition and she was born with primordial dwarfism. It is a type of nanism that keeps the body tiny from birth and throughout the entire growth cycle. She not only has a weakened immune system but also cysts on her liver.

The primordial dwarfs are relatively little even when they are in their fetal stage and the age that corresponds to that period. On the other hand, most people are not diagnosed until they are approximately three years old. Likewise, most infants born with this type of disability are underweight at birth.

Charlotte Garside

Who are the Parents of Charlotte Garside?

Scott Garside and Emma Newman, Charlotte’s loving and understanding parents, welcomed her into the world. The couple has dedicated their lives to raising their beloved daughter Charlotte who was born with a rare type of primordial dwarfism, ever since she was born.

Charlotte’s British family has persevered to provide her with a normal existence, despite all obstacles. Everything has been provided for her including daily necessities, education and even medical costs and charges.

Her three older siblings are Sophie, Sabrina and Chloe, in that order. She is the group’s youngest member. Her story made national and international tabloid headlines in 2012, both in Britain and other countries.

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