Students write papers at school, but teachers do not impose such strict requirements on papers as university teachers. Today we will tell you how to choose the right topic for your work and give some valuable tips on writing and the format of a 5-page paper.
What is a 5-page paper?
A 5-page paper is a work for which students collect information from various sources and sometimes from personal experience. It is a 5-page summary of a given topic. The purpose of the 5-page paper is to give the reader an idea of the topic on which it was written.
Writing a 5-page paper is not simple for many students. It is enough to order a sample of it on an essay writing site to write it correctly. With such a template, you will understand what to include in your paper and how to write a 1000 word essay correctly.
What are the types of papers?
There are various paper formats. Each is subject to separate requirements regarding the volume, number of literature sources, etc. According to their content, papers are divided into two main types:
Productive. The author must rethink the studied material and supplement it with their own conclusions. They are also divided into the following types:
- Review. The student considers several sources with opposing viewpoints and compares them.
- Report. The student retells the scientific work, diluting it with their own conclusions.
Reproductive. It assumes only the presentation of the text of the original. These include:
- Abstract. The text is supplemented with illustrations, graphs, and various studies.
- Summary. It contains the main theses of the original work.
The papers are also subdivided according to the number of sources, purpose, and scope of the content. They are essays, term papers, research papers, coursework, dissertation, thesis, etc.
Before starting work, determine what exactly the teacher requires of you. The wishes of teachers may differ from each other.
Paper writing requirements
The requirements for the paper depend on its type. If you are writing an informative work of 5 pages, then it should consist of the following parts:
- Title page.
- Content.
- Introduction.
- Main part. It is divided into chapters and paragraphs.
- Conclusion.
- List of used literature.
Example of the content format
The basis of the entire paper is well-written content. It should reveal the topic’s essence and show what you considered in your work. The content is compiled as follows:
- Introduction
- The title of the first chapter is written here
2.1. Paragraph
2.2. Paragraph
- The title of the second chapter is written here
3.1. Paragraph
3.2. Paragraph
- Conclusion
- Bibliography
Depending on the topic’s complexity or your leader’s individual requirements, the content may be as follows.
1. Title of the first chapter
2. Title of the second chapter
3. Title of the third chapter
4. Title of the fourth chapter
Introduction format
The introduction of the paper is formatted as follows. First of all, in the upper part of the sheet in the middle, write the word “Introduction,” it is necessarily capitalized, but it happens that it is written like this “INTRODUCTION.” Next, make two indents down and proceed to the text. The introduction should be clear and contain brief and basic information about the paper’s topic.
The task of the introduction is to interest the reader and show them the importance of the study. In the introduction, write the purpose of your research and the significance and relevance of your chosen topic. The volume of the introduction should be 1 page.
Main part format
Write the title of the first chapter; do not put a dot at the end. Again, add two spaces and proceed to the text of the first chapter. After the first chapter, proceed to the second one; everything must be done similarly. Write conclusions at the end of each chapter. The main part can include tables, figures, charts, and diagrams for clarity.
Chapters in volume should be equivalent. You need to re-read the entire text of the paper and eliminate all formatting errors. Then, check spelling and punctuation. The volume of the main part of the paper is three pages.
Conclusion format
First, you draw your conclusions on the topic studied as much as possible and answer the questions posed in the paper. It is important not to deviate from the topic and, summing up, do a review and choose the point of view that, in your opinion, is most suitable for this paper topic.
Link all conclusions with the goal and objectives written in the introduction of the paper. The volume of the conclusion should be equal to the volume of the introduction or be slightly larger.
The main thing is that the topic is disclosed fully in 5 pages. As for fonts, spacing, and other parameters, you should contact the teacher for clarification.
What should be considered when working on a paper?
- Try to choose a topic that interests you. In this case, the work will bring pleasure.
- Use only trusted sources. Even if you have a topic on which there is little information, do not trust suspicious materials where the main conclusions are not based on indisputable evidence but are invented by the author. Try not to turn to the Internet because there are a lot of inaccurate facts and fakes on the network. It is better to use one reliable source.
- Don’t rush to plan. Proceed to it only after you have studied all the literature you will use. As the problem is considered, your work will likely be fundamentally different from the original idea.
- Do not copy the entire text from the source. Try to retell the author’s idea in your own words. In this way, you will be able to increase the uniqueness of your work. Quote appropriately, and do not just paste the text. Read about the requirements for the uniqueness of student work here.
- Do not overload the work with unnecessary conclusions and analyses. A 5-page paper is not a dissertation; therefore, it should first contain a brief retelling of the work based on which it was written and sometimes the student’s impressions.
Please check with your instructor before you begin your assignment. Likely, you do not have to format a paper in accordance with the above rules.
Writing a good paper is easy enough. The main thing is to study as much literature as possible and learn how to analyze information.