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Living Lightly on the Earth: Eco-Friendly Practices for a Better Future

It’s clear that we have zero chance of leaving this planet in better shape than we found it. However, there are things we can do to try to help ensure that our grand and great-great-great grandchildren have a viable place to live.

This is the only earth we’ve got and it’s everyone’s responsibility to take care of it. Unfortunately, not many are doing everything they can to live an eco-friendly life. While they may recycle and celebrate Green Monday, their day-to-day lives are spent negating all of it.

Sure, even the best clean energy plans can seem daunting or cumbersome but we all have to do our part. And then some.

To help ensure that there’s a better future for all, check out these best practice tips for living more eco-friendly.

Choose Sustainable Energy Sources

Help reduce your carbon footprint by investing in renewable energies such as solar and wind power. Refitting your home with solar power can be a little costly but the long-term savings can make it well worth the investment. Both in terms of energy costs and environmental impact. Alternatively, wind power is more affordable and could be the ideal solution for those who live in wind-prone areas. The good thing is that wind turbines can be installed anywhere from skyscrapers to rural farms.

Additionally, you should take care of the way you use electricity. Consider switching to energy-efficient light bulbs and appliances because they’re great ways to save on your electricity consumption. You should also unplug electronic devices when they aren’t in use and whenever possible, use public transportation, electric scooters, or electric bikes to help cut down on emissions and pollution from motor vehicles.

Reusable Products

Switch to reusable products wherever possible. This can be things as simple as reusable water bottles and cloth bags for grocery shopping, or you can go with some out-of-the-box thinking and utilize a clothesline to dry your laundry in the sun as opposed to using that electric dryer. Simple changes like this can help make big strides toward your eco-friendly goals.

Plant Trees

Help reduce carbon emissions and improve air quality by planting trees abroad and/or on your property. Trees absorb carbon dioxide and convert it into oxygen, which helps reduce air pollution. Plus, they also provide shade, and of course that can help keep your home or office a little cooler and possibly reduce your reliance on using that energy-intensive air conditioning.


By reusing materials, you can help reduce both the amount of trash sent to landfills and the environmental impact of various manufacturing processes. Make sure to research what materials are recyclable in your area and check to see if your company is using a business recycling service.

Shop Responsibly

These days, more businesses are offering eco-friendly options that help reduce the amount of waste, and that’s something we should all be supporting. Avoid single-use plastics, if you own a food service business, consider switching to paper straws or products like phade to help reduce plastic waste. As a consumer, buy organic and locally sourced food and invest sustainably.

Practice What We Preach

Living in an eco-friendly way doesn’t have to be cumbersome or overbearing. We can still enjoy the comforts of modern life while taking small steps to reduce our environmental impact. Every little bit helps, so start thinking and make those eco-friendly changes today!

Remember: we only have one earth, and it’s up to us to take care of it for future generations. So let’s all do our part in making sure this planet is around for many years to come.

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