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Kevin Mitnick Obituary: A Tribute To The Pioneer Of Ethical Hacking

Kevin Mitnick Obituary

Kevin Mitnick Obituary

American computer security expert, author, and convicted hacker Kevin David Mitnick was born on August 6, 1963. His high-profile arrest in 1995 and subsequent five-year prison sentence for several computer and communications-related offenses brought him widespread notoriety.

Journalism, novels, and movies about Mitnick’s pursuit, arrest, trial, and sentencing were divisive. Kevin Mitnick passed away on Sunday (16 July). You can read details about Kevin Mitnick’s obituary in the below section.

Kevin Mitnick Obituary

Kevin David Mitnick, 59, passed away on Sunday, July 16, 2023, after a courageous fight against pancreatic cἀncer. Kimberley Mitnick, Kevin’s devoted wife, survived him by staying by his side for the entirety of their experience. Kimberley is expecting the couple’s first child together. Kevin was overjoyed to start this next chapter of his life with Kimberley, but their happiness was cut tragically short.

Below is the tweet provided about Erin Elizabeth about Kevin Mitnick’s death:

Kevin’s grandmother, Reba Vartanian, father, Alan Mitnick, and half-brother, Adam Mitnick, were all gone before he was born. Kevin’s family includes his stepmother Nanci King, his great aunt Sophie “Chickie” Leventhal and her longtime partner Dr. Bob Berkowitz, and Kevin’s cousins Mitch Leventhal, Karen van den Berg, Jolie Mitnick, Mark Mitnick, and Wendy Cohen. His brother-in-law Ricky Barry and his wife Roxy also survive him, along with their three children, Millie, Winston, and George.

Kevin also wishes to thank his many devoted friends, including Michael Morris, Paul Dryman, Roy Eskapa, Shawn Nunley, Darci and Brianna Wood, Amy Gray, Alex Kasper (Kasperavicius), David Kennedy, David Fugate, Dr. Nick Spirtos, Stu Sjouwerman, and Apollo Robbins, for their unwavering friendship and support over the years.

All of Kevin’s close buddies would take too long to name here. He was incredibly lucky to have so many. I won’t even bother naming names. You made a huge impression on Kevin. Kevin was also appreciative of the millions of people around the world who supported the “FREE KEVIN” movement in the mid-to late-1990s.

Kevin Mitnick

Kevin was a true original; his life reads like a novel in many respects. Most of us who knew him would use the adjective “magnificent” to describe him.

He spent his formative years in California’s San Fernando Valley, where he developed his prodigious intelligence and restless energy while also developing a healthy distrust of authority and a deep fascination with the mystical arts.

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Kevin’s brilliance and enjoyment of capturing and holding the attention of his audience were clear even in his early years. Pranks and magic tricks gave way to phone phreaking, social engineering, and computer hacking as his interests matured.

His need to test limits eventually got the better of him, and he spent time in both juvenile detention and adult prison. His time as the world’s most wanted hacker was chronicled in the New York Times best-selling book The Ghost in the Wires, as well as the books The Art of Deception and The Art of Intrusion, both co-authored with William Simon, and The Art of Invisibility, co-authored with Robert Vamosi.

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