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Who Was Jo Lindner and What Was His Net Worth Before He Dἰed?

Who was Jo Lindner

Who was Jo Lindner

It was confirmed in July 2023 that fitness icon Jo Lindner had pἀssed away. The bodybuilder and social media influencer Joesthetics gained a massive online following before his untimely deἀth.

Who was Jo Lindner?

Jo Lindner

Jo Lindner was a German bodybuilder and social activist. Joesthetics was his username on Reddit. Jo’s internet bodybuilding videos and posts gained him a large following.

Joesthetics Training System was his own program, and he updated his fans frequently with training tips and tricks. Jo’s rise to fame can be attributed in large part to the fitness videos and articles he produced while living in Thailand.

When did Jo Lindner Dἰe?

On July 1, 2023, it was announced that Jo had pἀssed away. A close friend of the singer broke the news to her followers on social media.

Noel Deyzel said:

“Rest in peace Jo. I still keep checking my phone waiting for your reply so we can meet at the gym.

Read out the full tweet:

Bro, I’m shattered. You welcomed us in and educated us about life and the internet in general. Your kindness to me and others will remain in my heart forever.

You can also take a look at the below tweet about Jo Lindner pἀssing:

We have also covered details relating to other famous celebrities who have already pἀssed and we have covered their biography:

What was Jo Lindner Height,  Weight and Age?

What was Jo Lindner Height,  Weight and Age

Jo stood at an average of 5 feet, 11 inches. He once shared on Twitter that he is 6 feet and 18 inches tall. He probably weighed around 100 kilos. Jo’s premature deἀth came at the age of 30. On January 14, 2023, he turned 30 years old.

How much money did Jo Lindner have?

Before his pἀssing, Jo was said to have amassed a fortune of about $2.5 million. The videos he uploaded to his channel for his over 400k subscribers are likely where he made his riches. Besides Primeval Labs, FATHER SONS Menswear, and Vanquish Athlete, the fitness influencer had a number of other brand relationships with different brands.

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