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Outlander Season 7 Episode 1: Who Kἰlled Malva?

outlander season 7 episode 1

outlander season 7 episode 1

The sixth season of the popular STARZ series Outlander ended with quite a drama for viewers as Claire was imprἰsoned in Wilmington pending her muɼder trial. At the same time, Jamie desperately tried to find her following his rescue by Ian and the Cherokee.

Let’s dive into the most significant portions of the season premiere since Season 7 picks up where we left off. Here is everything you want to know about Outlander Season 7 Episode 1….

Who Kἰlled Malva? The Confession of Thomas Christie

Christie asks him for a favor so she might have the opportunity to do something worthwhile after she spots Jamie and Ian inside the neighborhood pub. Jamie and Christie exchange words and Jamie is sure that Christie is inebriated, but no convincing will stop Christie from doing what he means: confessing to save Claire. Christie is escorted to the ship, where he first sees Claire. Christie informs her in her healing chamber that he muɼdered Malva and that she was his niece, not his daughter.

Invoking his brother to care for his wife and son, he enlisted to fight for the Stuarts in Scotland. While he was away, they had a relationship, and by the time he returned, Malva had been born. Christie sent for both children after his wife was executed for witchcraft. Observing Malva charm guys and “work her wiles” on them led him to conclude that she was also a witch.

Christie reveals to Claire that he kἰlled Malva both to stop the birth of another witch and because he thought she would kἰll someone before her time. Christie assured Claire that when the flux gained control of the ridge, Malva had been poἰsoned by them. Malva admitted to poisoning him when he discovered her alone, and she was preparing a love charm.

For further information, see the Twitter message we included below. Outlander’s Twitter feed officially posted that on June 16th.

Christie affirms that Malva always lusted after power and rank, and Claire learns that Malva was fabricating the charm for Jamie. Not only does he admit to saving Claire, but he also expresses his love for her and his convἰction that saving her is the proper thing to do. Although Christie maintains that he kἰlled Malva for her, Claire does not believe he would have done so.

He thinks he has finally found someone deserving of the love he has been striving to give the world. He offers her a written confession and tells her that a second copy was sent to the neighborhood printer in Wilmington. Following that, Christie requests a guard and enters the governor’s office to make his confession.

After a difficult day, Jamie and Claire slept in bed at the inn. Claire questions Jamie about whether or not he thinks Christie kἰlled Malva, and they both agree that it doesn’t make sense. He claims that whether or not he had feelings for her, Christie would find it worthwhile to die for her so she may live her life. Jamie assures her he would act similarly toward Claire if needed.

Get ready for The Outlander Season 7 – all the information you need is right here! Have a look at the articles we listed below:

Jamie’s Revenge “A Life Well Lost”

After Claire nods off, Jamie leaves covertly. Richard Brown removes his revolver and staggers to the other side of the room for another drink as he enters his dimly lighted room. Jamie raises his voice from the side. Jamie declines Brown’s drink offer since he recognizes Brown’s horse outside the tavern. Brown warns him that if he does kἰll him, Brown’s family will seek retribution against Jamie’s family.

Jamie informs him that Ian and the Cherokee will be stopping by to take care of that problem. Brown tries to reassure Jamie that he is a fine and moral man who wouldn’t kἰll him in cold blood after realizing what will happen. Jamie claims Brown attempted to steal Claire from him and that despite being a terrible man, any decency in him survives thanks to Claire. Jamie rushes Brown from across the room.

Outlander airs Fridays at 8 p.m. ET on STARZ and is available on the STARZ app starting at midnight. Stay up-to-date with the entertainment world by bookmarking our site,!

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