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Jessica Mcguinty Obituary: What Happened To Her| Leaves Legacy Of Helping Curly Hair

Jessica Mcguinty Obituary

Jessica Mcguinty Obituary

We regret to inform you that our original product’s originator and founder, Jessica McGuinty, has pἀssed away. Jessica pἀssed away quietly in the company of her husband, father, extraordinary physician, and devoted hospice staff on the evening of June 10, 2023.

Jess’s health problems have been mounting for a long time. Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome is a group of genetic illnesses affecting connective tissues, and this year Jess was dἰagnosed with it.

We are grateful that she was able to witness our growth and success as a company in the United States and internationally while she was dealing with her diagnosis in Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, and the European Union.

It is with deep sadness that we must notify you of the pἀssing of Jessica McGuinty, the person responsible for creating our original product. On the evening of June 10, 2023, Jessica died peacefully surrounded by her loving family and friends, including her husband, father, exceptional physician, and loyal hospice staff.

The state of Jess’s health has been deteriorating for quite some time. This year, Jess received a diagnosis of Ehlers-Danlos Syndróme, a category of inherited connective tissue dἰsorders.

Jessica Mcguinty

While dealing with her diagnosis in Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, and the European Union, we are thankful that she was able to experience our growth and success as a company in the United States and globally.

Jess has recently pulled back from Jessicurl to focus on her health, placing the company’s future in the hands of a select group of managers she hand-picked. Jessicurl will increase its local and international presence with a renewed commitment to honoring her legacy and continuing her positive outlook.

Jacob Cousin has dἰed recently. But do you know the reason for his deἀth? We have covered details about his obituary here:

We call ourselves “Curlies” because she started this movement for women with curly hair.

Jess has stepped back from the business in recent years to focus on her health, leaving Jessicurl’s success in the hands of a carefully chosen management team. With a renewed zeal for preserving her memory and carrying on her upbeat attitude, Jessicurl will expand its presence both domestically and abroad.

We are all her “Curlies” since she formed our community around a shared desire to celebrate our natural hair.

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