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Las Vegas Family Claims Encounter with UFO After Startling Flash

Las Vegas Family Claims Encounter with UFO

Las Vegas Family Claims Encounter with UFO

The interest surrounding a 911 call from a family claiming to have seen “non-human” entities after something crashed in their backyard is increased by Las Vegas police body cam footage of a green flash across the sky.

A Las Vegas Metro police officer’s body camera captured an object streaking low across the sky on April 30 at about 11:50 p.m. According to the American Meteor Society, a number of people in eastern California, Nevada, and Utah reported seeing the flare.

More than a month later, sources told Nexstar’s KLAS that it is probably something that crashed into the yard, although it is still unclear exactly what. A round impression in the dirt was visible on the drone video.

A man contacted 911 about 40 minutes after the flash, saying he and his family had witnessed something fall from the sky and that there were two moving objects on his property in the northwest valley.

Caller: It’s still there, and there’s like an 8-foot guy standing next to it. There’s also another one inside, and it has large eyes and is staring at us.

Dispatcher: Where on your land is this located?

My backyard, the caller said. This is not a joke, I swear to God. We’re truly afraid because of this.

Dispatcher: So, in your backyard, there are two individuals and two subjects?

Caller: You’re right, and they’re huge. They’re about 8 feet, 9 feet, or 10 feet tall. They seem like aliens to us, I don’t know. large eyes. Their eyes are large. Like, big mouth and I can’t explain it. They aren’t human, and they have sparkly eyes. They are not human at all.

Las Vegas Family Encounter with UFO

Other family members who confirmed the encounter to authorities are recorded in the Metro police call log that KLAS was able to access.

Two officers were dispatched by the dispatcher to the residence to look into the unverified reports. Both of the cops’ body camera footage was obtained by KLAS.

One officer can be heard on the video saying, “I’m so nervous right now,” as he gets into his car to head to the house. Someone saw a shooting star, and these people subsequently claimed that aliens were in their backyard.

What did you see?” one officer asked a witness.

“It was like a big creature,” one witness said.

“A big creature?” the officer asked.

“Yea, more than 10 feet tall,” the witness replied.

You guys, I’m not going to BS. One of my partners claimed to have witnessed something fall from the sky as well, the officer reported. So that’s the reason I’m a little curious. Have you noticed any landings in your backyard?

The body camera video of one of the officers shows him investigating in the backyard, but Metro police blurred out that scene, claiming privacy rules.

“I don’t believe in it, but what I saw right now, I do believe in it,” a witness reportedly told authorities.

Las Vegas Family saw aliens in the backyard

An officer said, “I don’t blame you, you guys appear real afraid. Another witness called the police to report seeing an SUV circle the neighborhood at about the same time. A second cop converses with passing neighbors while the first officer conducts an investigation in the backyard.

“This might sound like a really dumb question, but did you guys see anything fall out of the sky?” an officer asks a passenger in a passing car. “I would normally discount it as nothing, however, seeing as one of my partners said they saw it too, [that’s the] only reason I’m investigating it further.”

On the night of the sighting, an officer said, “Hey, if those 9-foot beings come back, don’t call us alright?” as he made his way back to his cruiser from the house.

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The inquiry by the Metro Police produced no conclusive conclusions. The department initially left the investigation open for a few days but has already closed it. The family said that authorities visited the house multiple times to conduct an investigation.

Officials from the nearby air bases of Creech and Nellis indicated they were not involved in the incident and advised contacting Metro police.

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