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5 Things Las Vegas Personal Injury Attorneys Can Do for You

5 Things Las Vegas Personal Injury Attorneys Can Do for You

If you visit Las Vegas, you’ll probably enjoy yourself. Whether you’re flying solo or have your family with you, it’s America’s playground, and you won’t find any shortage of activities. You can spend time in the casinos, eat at a fancy restaurant, or catch a show.

You might also live there. Las Vegas residents enjoy the city as well. Whether you’re a resident or a visitor, you might have an accident and decide you need a personal injury attorney afterward.

An attorney can determine the strength of your claim and decide whether they should represent you. Let’s discuss some things a Las Vegas personal injury attorney might do for you.

They Can Tell You Whether You Have a Valid Injury Claim or Not

First, a Las Vegas personal injury lawyer might have you explain what happened. You might visit them in their office and tell them that a car hit you or maybe that you slipped and fell while visiting a casino.

They’ll want details; you should tell the story without leaving anything out. You should not embellish anything, either.

The lawyer can tell you whether they think you have a valid claim. If they feel you don’t have much of a chance of winning at trial, they will tell you that. You will likely appreciate the honesty. You can decide whether moving forward makes sense.

They Can Investigate Your Case

If the lawyer feels you have a pretty good chance of winning your case and collecting some money, they might say they’ll take you on as a client. Then, they can start investigating the circumstances surrounding your injury or accident.

The best law firms have investigators they use on retainer. They will contact their investigators and tell them what happened. These individuals will then hit the streets and see whether they can get information and evidence to help you.

They might bring back video evidence if any exists. If you had an accident in or around a casino, you can likely find some photographic or video evidence.

In Las Vegas these days, you can see cameras everywhere. They’re in all the casinos and outside on the streets. If any picked up the events that harmed you, the investigators can collect that footage or those still shots and use them in your trial.

They Can Notify the Defendant You Are Suing Them

Your Las Vegas, personal injury lawyer, can notify the defendant that you are suing them. Maybe you’re suing someone who drove drunk and hit your car. Perhaps you’re suing a casino that had some unsafe conditions that hurt you.

The defendant can then find their own defense counsel if they don’t have a lawyer yet. If you’re suing an entity like a casino, they probably already have a lawyer, if not a whole law firm on retainer.

They Can Negotiate and Possibly Get You a Settlement Offer

Your Las Vegas personal injury attorney will also negotiate outside the courtroom on your behalf. Maybe when they tell the defendant and their lawyer about all of the evidence you have, the defendant will feel they should pay you off and avoid a long and costly trial.

Their attorney might say you will likely win your case. If that’s true, then you can feel certain an entity like a casino will settle.

They don’t want the negative publicity that goes along with a trial. They might offer you a settlement, and your lawyer can bring you that offer.

You must then decide whether you should take the money or hold out and see if you can get any more. Your lawyer can advise you about that.

They Can Stand Up for You in Court

If it looks like the defendant feels they can win a legal battle, then your attorney can go after them in court. They will present all the evidence and call any witnesses that they have found.

They will get you on the witness stand and ask what happened. They will make sure the jury hears all about the injuries you sustained and any pain and suffering you experienced.

Your lawyer can do all that for you and much more besides. You should feel much better about your chances if you contact and hire the right attorney.

You want someone who knows the legal system and who knows Las Vegas too. Ideally, they can get a significant windfall for you.

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