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Tupac Autopsy: What did YouTuber DJ Skandalous Say About the Demἰse?

Tupac Autopsy

Tupac Autopsy

American rapper Tupac Shakur was sh0t and kἰlled in a drive-by in Las Vegas, Nevada on September 7, 1996. At the time of deἀth his age was 25.

At 11:15 p.m. (PDT), when Shakur’s automobile waited at a red light at the intersection of East Flamingo Road and Koval Lane, a gμnman opened fire. Shakur took two bμllets to the chest, one to the arm and two to the thigh.

Tupac’s Autopsy: Reason Behind His Demἰse

Others claim that the Changes actor faked his own deἀth and moved to Cuba in order to spend his life away from the spotlight and those who might have endangered it. But an affidavit claims that he has pἀssed away.


However, YouTuber DJ Skandalous challenges the veracity of a photo showing the rapper lying deἀd and the coroner’s findings. According to him, there are discrepancies all over the place in the coroner’s report some of which relate to his height and weight.

He is listed as being 5′ 10″ and weighing about 168 lbs on his driver’s license from 1996, however the coroner’s report states that he was actually 6 feet tall and 215 lbs. Additionally, DJ Skandalous challenges the veracity of the autopsy images.

He said:

“The Machiavelli tattoo that the deceἀsed had on his neck was absent which may have been due to the autopsy image’s pixelation and lack of HD quality but from what I can see, the tattoo is not present.”

He continued:

“The other thing I found weird about the autopsy photo is that, despite Tupac having been in a coma for six days in a hospital, his head and face are both shaved in the photo that has been leaked on Google Images. Why would they shave his face and head if he’s in a coma and in critical condition?”

Tupac Autopsy

There is one photo that appears to be connected to Tupac’s autopsy, but many people are skeptical that it is authentic. A single incision is made from the top of the head to the pelvic region and a “Y” incision is made from the top of each shoulder to where they meet at the base of the sternum.

The incision from the chest to the pelvis has been closed with stitches as can be seen on a close inspection. You can see the bμllet hole in his chest and the spot where doctors closed up the incision after removing his right lung if you look closely.

Even though it’s only a black-and-white photo, many people believe the tattoos to be real. But we are waiting for an official announcement related to his autopsy report. 

Note: This post was created using the data we gathered from our sources. We don’t want to hurt anyone with this. We haven’t yet received details about his autopsy, but as soon as we do, we’ll let you know. If you have any other information about his pἀssing, please let us know in the comments area below.

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