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How Many Episodes of Love and Deἀth, The American Crἰme Drama Miniseries?

Love and Deἀth

Love and Deἀth

The American crἰme drama miniseries Love & Deἀth is available to stream. The series is based on the real-life experiences of Candy Montgomery, a housewife from Wylie, Texas. It was written by David E. Kelley and directed by Lesli Linka Glatter and Clark Johnson.

How many Episodes are there in Love and Deἀth?

The Love and Deἀth mini-series had 7 episodes in total. All the episodes are available to watch on HBO Max. The titles of the episodes are provided below:

In the series Candy Montgomery, a devoted wife and mother in Wylie, Texas, finds her life unsatisfying in 1978. She finds Allan Gore, a married member of her church group, attractive even though his own marriage is troubled and he and his wife Betty are having trouble conceiving their second child.

Candy confides in Allan, who shows interest in her but is uneasy and wants them to carefully consider the consequences. Jackie, Candy’s pastor makes vain attempts to dissuade her from doing it. Candy and Allan meet several times to talk about their possible relationship.

They both agree that they will call off the relationship if one of them becomes overly attached. In December 1978, they start dἀting. Months pass as Candy and Allan continue their liaison, getting closer as they meet at various hotels.

Love and Deἀth

When Allan and Betty attend Marriage Encounter, a Dallas-area church-sponsored marriage counseling retreat, their relationship begins to mend. In Jackie’s place, Ron Adams, a newcomer to the parish who does not fit in, takes Jackie’s post.

Allan terminates the relationship in October 1979. After first being upset, Candy chooses to work on her marriage with Pat and together they go to Marriage Encounter. Betty grows suspicious that Candy and Allan had a disagreement.

Candy picks up a bikini from the Gores’ home. When Candy admits that she and Allan had an affair, Betty approaches her and brandishes an axe. Betty swings the axe at Candy. Later, Candy leaves the residence and comes back, changing clothes before continuing with her day’s duties.

Candy’s friends Pat and Sherry sense something strange about Candy. Allan can’t reach Betty from his business trip in Minnesota, so he phones their neighbors and asks them to break into the house, where they discover Betty’s deἀth.

The Wylie neighborhood and the police presume that Betty was attἀcked by an outsider. Candy, who is believed to have been the last person to see Betty alive, smashes the thongs that Betty had been wearing during the mμrder after being questioned by the police about her footwear.

Love and Deἀth

Allan admits to having an affἀir with Candy to the police. When Candy is questioned by the police once more, she acknowledges having an affἀir with Allan but maintains her innocence in Betty’s sIaying. Candy hires Don Crowder, a member of her church group, as her attorney and claims that Betty came at her before Candy kἰlled her.

Don tries to get Candy out on bond but she is caught and imprisoned overnight in county jaἰl. The story is sensationalized by journalists, which turns the public against Candy. Don fails to have the trial moved during pretrial and annoys Judge Ryan.

Candy contacts Dr. Fred Fason, a psychiatrist on Don’s advice and he employs hypnosis to analyze Candy’s repressed emotions over Betty’s mμrder. Pat grumbles at being kept in the dark until Don, at Candy’s request, informs him of Candy’s wrongdoing.

Love and Deἀth

Don says at the jury selection that Candy did kἰll Betty, but she did so in self-defense. The court case starts. Allan is called to the witness stand and questioned about his relationship with Candy and Betty’s concern. Candy defies Don’s advice and takes Serax throughout the trial because Don worries that the jurors will view Candy’s lack of reaction as emotionless.

Dr. Fason says under oath that Candy strμck Betty several times after initially acting in self-defense and then experiencing a dissociative reaction brought on by repressed childhood trἀuma.

Check out the below posts to know about the episodes of other series:

Don calls on character witnesses to confirm that Betty was challenging. In the end, the jury returns a not-guilty verdict for Candy. Eight days later, Candy stops by the Gores’ home to bid Allan farewell before the Montgomerys depart for Georgia to begin a new life.

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