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Who is Lord Ledger? Unraveling the Secrets of Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story’s Most Elusive Character

Who is Lord Ledger

Who is Lord Ledger

Violet Bridgerton the matriarch of the Bridgerton family is deeply influenced by her father Lord Ledger. Lord Ledger and his wife are polar opposites and it’s evident that their daughter took after her father’s more accepting attitude than her mother’s.

He thinks very highly of her, calling her “brains” (probably in reference to her intelligence). Violet’s mother discourages her from interacting with the public, but she enjoys spending time with her father, who is more open to her curiosity.

One of the few on his side to express true admiration for Lady Danbury and her people, Lord Ledger is likewise a rare breed. After Lord Danbury pἀsses away, he becomes a consoling figure in Agatha’s life, and the two eventually engage in an illicit tryst.

A News Friendship forms between Lord Ledger and Agatha

Lord Ledger and Agatha

After Lord Danbury’s pἀssing, Agatha found herself at a loss for what to do with her time and decided to take a walk by herself. She then makes her way through her property to a dilapidated cabin.

She had to halt since she wasn’t wearing proper footwear, and Lord Ledger came up to her and made a remark about it. His property adjoins hers, and he lets it slip that she’s there.

After a brief conversation, Agatha decides to proceed to the cabin in order to meet Lord Ledger. He calls his strolls with her “rambles” and fills her in on everything he sees, or fails to see, along the way.

This continues for some time until they form a strong friendship. They were about to kἰss when Lord Ledger broke it off.

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Later, he visits her at her mansion to present her with a handmade crown. They are so enamored with each other that they decide to have s*xual relations.

Lord Ledger remains married after their experience, so they are able to part ways amicably.

Agatha reveals to Violet that it wasn’t until her husband pἀssed away that she realized it’s possible to love and be loved by someone else. When Violet discovers her father’s crown at Lady Danbury’s, she remembers that he was the one who pointed that out to Agatha.

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