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Miss Universe 2022 Finalist Sienna Weir Dἰed From Horse Riding Accἰdent

Miss Universe 2022 Finalist Sienna Weir Dἰed

Miss Universe 2022 Finalist Sienna Weir Dἰed

Sienna Weir was riding in Windsor Polo Grounds in Australia and accἰdentally her horse fell down. Australian fashion model and finalist of the 2022 Miss Universe Sienna Weir pἀssed away at the age of 23 after the horse riding accἰdent.

Her family and representatives have confirmed the statuesque blond’s pἀssing on Thursday, May 4, 2023.

She was taken on life support because of injμries. She take her last breath on 4 May. Scoop Management, Weir’s modeling agency also shared a video tribute and a picture of the beaming rider with the remark, “Forever in our hearts.”

Sienna was among the 27 finalists in the 2022 Australian Miss Universe competition. She completes her English literature and Psychology at Sydney University.  

She wants to move to the UK for her career and wants to spend more time with my sister, niece and nephew and expand both my professional and social network.

Miss Universe 2022 Finalist Sienna Weir Dἰed

As the news came on social media, her fans, friends and relatives start condolences massage for her. Australian photographer Chris Dwyer wrote:

“You are one of the kindest souls in the world, you lit up the room and the world is a lot darker now that you are gone.”

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