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Keith Nale Obituary: A Final Tribute to Two-Time Survivor Contestant

Keith Nale Obituary

Keith Nale Obituary

Keith Nale, a two-time Survivor contestant and fan favorite pἀssed away on April 18, 2023. He was 62 years old at the time of deἀth. His son Wes said in a statement on ET:

“Keith Nale dἰed April 18 afternoon following a battle with cancer which we first found it about in January”.

Kevin Nale, Keith Nale’s brother added:

“A life lost far too quickly! It all happened so fast. Cancer dev0ured him. He pἀssed away this afternoon at his Shreveport, Louisiana, home.

Nale had two appearances on the CBS reality show. He participated with his son Wes in the second Bl00d vs. Water episode of Season 29 of Survivor: San Juan del Sur which aired in 2014.

Nale advanced all the way to the championship round. He participated in Survivor: Cambodia — Second Chances the very next year where he was chosen by viewers for a second chance to win a million dollars. He made an effort to be more strategic and cooperative throughout that season, but he was ultimately eliminated in fifth place.

In both of Nale’s seasons, Kelley Wentworth co-starred with him. She offered her sympathies to his family. She Tweeted, “Keith – a man with the purest heart who brought humor into moments where it was needed most”.

The Survivor: Cambodia winner Jeremy Collins who twice competed with Keith, wrote, “My cond0lences to the Big D, Wes, Austin and the entire Nale family. You will be missed Keith but your legacy will live on. Rest in power my firefighter/survivor brother.”

One person wrote, “Devἀstated to hear about Keith Nale pἀssing. Hard to think of a purer spirit on Survivor. He was always a delight and had great humor”.

One Twitter user Tributed, “Survivor has lost a genuine Legend.”

In 2014, Nale made his television debut in the 29th season of “Survivor: San Juan del Sur” a reality competition program. The goal of the season was to unite family pairings and Nale participated alongside his son Wes Nale.

Nale, a fan favorite for his folk comedy was an underdog who had trouble forming coalitions and participating in the cooperative competition.

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