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What did Savannah Chrisley Say About Suἰcide Attempt?

Savannah Chrisley Suἰcide Attempt

Savannah Chrisley Suἰcide Attempt

Savannah Chrisley a reality actress opened up about her years of mental health difficulties including a suἰcἰde attempt, not quite five months after she first revealed that she had attempted suἰcἰde.

The star of “Chrisley Knows Best” discussed the terrἰfying incident on Tuesday’s April 4, 2023 episode of her “Unlocked With Savannah Chrisley podcast” with a psychiatrist and brain health specialist Dr. Daniel Amen.

The 25-year-old reality personality stated, The reason I ask is from a personal experience, I had tried attempting myself. They were discussing the effects of trἀumatic brain injuries on people’s personalities. Chrisley originally revealed that she attempted suἰcἰde when she was a youngster due to her sadness in November.

She said in the episode:

“I’ve never really spoken about it before, But I took a bottle of pills and obviously it didn’t work because I’m sitting here today, Thank God! but ever since then I feel like with my brain, my memory, it’s the most frustrating thing in the world because it feels so foggy.”

The psychiatrist and author claimed that suἰcἰdal ideation is widespread and that Chrisley should get a brain scan to determine the state of her brain health because suἰcἰde attempts can result in brain injuries and even slight traumatic injuries can wreck people’s lives.

Savannah Chrisley Suἰcide Attempt

Dr. Amen said:

“If you had clarity and now you don’t then something happened. And if you can see it, then you can go to rehabilitate it, So many people go, Oh! no, I don’t want to be scanned because I don’t want to know it’s hopeless.’ It’s hardly ever hopeless”.

“There’s always something, but it’s like, let’s get the plan. You know, kἰll [drinking] the Dr Pepper. Get you to take the right stuff. Stop believing every stupid thing that comes into your head and discipline your mind.”

As her flamboyant family became famous on the USA Network reality show “Chrisley Knows Best” in 2014, the reality star and podcaster admitted in November that she did a very decent job at disguising things. Chrisley told ET in November that taking care of her mental health is now more important to her than her career.

She said:

“My struggles of when I went off to college and depression and all these things, it never came out because I was great at hiding. I was great at hiding my emotions.”

“I need an outlet to voice how I’m feeling. Chances are if I’m feeling this way, so many other people are feeling the exact same way. So, I want to take what I’m going through and make a difference in even one person’s life.”

Chrisley has been documenting the goings-on in her family’s life on her podcast since she was a celebrity on USA Network. Her parents, Todd and Julie Chrisley were convicted of tax evasion and bank fraud in June 2022 and began serving prison sentences in Kentucky and Florida this past January.

In January, she revealed that her life was coming apart because of their absence. Later, the reality star revealed that while her parents are surviving and graying in prison, she is grieving the loss of my parents and what I know.

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