The biographical film “Tetris,” available on Apple TV+, follows Henk Rogers, a Dutch businessman living in Japan, as he attempts to purchase the portable rights to Alexey Pajitnov’s original “Tetris” game. Without consulting his wife, Akemi Rogers, Henk risks everything on the game’s expansion, including their home.
Akemi’s unwavering devotion to her spouse serves as the bedrock of his life. The movie is spot-on in its depiction of Akemi’s importance in Henk’s life. Here’s what we know about Henk’s wife and her whereabouts right now, if you’re interested.
Who is Henk Roger’s Wife?
At the University of Hawaii at Manoa, where she majored in English, Henk and Akemi first crossed paths. Akemi finished her education and went back to Japan. Henk went with her, and after three lengthy stays, he decided to stay and never go back to the US.
Henk didn’t have to give it much thought to join Akemi in Japan because his family had always planned to retire there. In 1977, Henk wed Akemi, and the couple settled into a modest house on the grounds of a family compound owned by Henk’s stepfather in the rural Japanese area. Henk was busy at the moment with the family business.
Check out the recent post updated by Henk Rogers on his Instagram:
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Akemi took primary responsibility for caring for their children when Henk was out for business. Henk was in Thailand when Akemi gave birth to their third child. He founded Bullet-Proof Software, Inc. so he could spend less time away from his family and later the company collaborated with Nintendo to release “Game Boy” with the game “Tetris.”
Akemi gave the impression that Bullet-Proof was based in Japan. In “The Tetris Effect: The Game that Hypnotized the World,” Dan Ackerman said that “Akemi helped him [Henk] incorporate as a business, and she answered the phone to make this one-man operation appear at least a little like a Japanese software company.”
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What Happened to Henk Rogers Wife?
Akemi Rogers stayed out of the spotlight as her husband Henk and daughter Maya grew The Tetris Company. In 2014, she was a proud parent as she watched her daughter rise to the position of CEO at both The Tetris Company and Blue Planet Software.
Kailua-Kona, on the western coast of Hawaii Island, appears to be where Akemi, Henk, and their family have made their permanent home. Henk and Akemi settled on Tantalus and purchased a home in 2013. They also own a second home at Puu Waawaa Ranch.
Henk and Akemi Rogers also established the Henk and Akemi Rogers Foundation to give back to the area. A large portion of Akemi’s time is devoted to her family, which includes her children, their spouses, and her grandkids.
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