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The Sandy Hook Elementary School Sh00ting: A Dark Day in History

Sandy Hook Elementary School Sh00ting

Sandy Hook Elementary School Sh00ting

Twenty-year-old Adam Lanza began firing at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, United States, on December 14, 2012, k!lling 26 people. Twenty kids between the ages of six and seven were k!lled, and six @dults worked at the school.

Lanza had already murd*red his mother earlier that day before getting into his car and heading to school. Lanza committed su!cide by sh00ting himself in the head as emergency personnel arrived at the school.

As of the year 2023, this was the deadliest mass sh00ting in Connecticut and the deadliest elementary school sh00ting in American history.

The sh00ting is the second de@dliest at a U.S. school and the fourth de@dliest in the country. After the sh00ting, many people called for stricter gun control laws in the United States.

Sandy Hook Elementary School Sh00ting

Some suggested making background checks mandatory for all gun purchases, while others advocated for a ban on the sale and production of semi-automatic we@pons and magazines that can hold more than ten rounds of ammunition at the federal and state levels.

The Connecticut State Attorney’s office produced a report in November 2013 concluding that Lanza acted alone and planned his acts; however, the study did not explain why Lanza chose the school as his target.

Although the Office of the Child Advocate found that Lanza had Asperger syndrome and as a teen@ger, depression, anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder, these “neither caused nor led to his de@dly cr!mes,” according to their November 2014 assessment.

He had serious and deteriorating internalized mental health problems, the investigation continued mixed with an abnormal propensity for vioIence and access to deadly we@pons, all of which proven a recipe for mass murd*r.

A woman recently k!lled six people in Nashville and we reported more recent facts on this massacre; you may read more about it by following the links below:

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