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Wicked Tuna’s Duffy Cause of Dea†h: How Tyler McLaughlin Honored His Late Best Friend?

Wicked Tuna Duffy Cause of Death

Wicked Tuna Duffy Cause of Death

Duffy, a.k.a. Nicholas Fudge participated in Wicked Tuna. The star d!ed on July 19, 2018, a few weeks before turning 29. On his boat, the Pinwheel, Duffy worked alongside his close buddy Tyler McLaughlin.

His obituary states that he developed a passion for tuna fishing as a young youngster. Some of Duffy’s fans gave tribute to him by saying:

“After becoming one of the top sport fishermen in the country, he earned a place on the National Geographic reality show Wicked Tuna for multiple seasons. Nick also treasured the environment and he took seriously his responsibility to protect it.”

A few days before the cast and crew of Wicked Tuna season 8 began filming, Duffy passed away. Tyler McLaughlin, the captain has decided to move forward without his best buddy and first mate. He chose Marissa McLaughlin, his sister to take over Duffy’s duties.

Tyler McLaughlin said:

“I’m afraid I might burn out this season, so I’m relying on Marissa to be a solid first mate. She’s got a lot to learn, but she’s got her captain’s license. She can navigate. She can read a radar.  She knows how to drive the boat. She can run it when we’re fighting fish. I mean, she’s more than qualified.”

Tyler then honored his late best friend with his first catch of the season. Tyler said, “We just persevered. We just caught a fish on the spot where Duffy and I caught our last fish together”.

Tyler continued:

“I don’t care if we get $2 a pound, $25 or $30 a pound. I’m just so happy to have this fish. It means so much to us.”

The reasons for the demise of other stars were covered in our previous posts and you can read about them by clicking on the links given below:

What is Wicked Tuna Duffy’s Cause of Dea†h?

When Duffy passed away about three years ago, the cause of dea†h was not disclosed. But fans were surprised to find that he passed away so quickly. His coworkers speculated that he might have died from decompression sickness or “the bends.”

Wicked Tuna Duffy Cause of Dea†h

According to reports, Generalized barotrauma, another name for decompression sickness refers to injuries caused by a fast fall in the pressure that surrounds you, of either air or water.

Although deep-sea and scuba divers are the most frequently affected, it can also happen during high-altitude or unpressurized air travel. Because the joint and bone pains can be so intense they make you double over, the disease is known as the bends.

Wicked Tuna Duffy’s cause of dea†h is still unknown, but we are keen to find out. We are keeping a close eye on any information that may be released and will update you as soon as we know more. In the meantime, you can follow us on Twitter and read our other posts related to dea†h, cause of dea†h, autopsy, obituary and more.

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