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Why Did “Yolanda Saldívar” Kill Popular Singer” Selena”?

Yolanda Saldívar

Yolanda Saldívar

American ex-nurse Yolanda Saldívar (born September 19, 1960) was found guilty of the 1995 murder of Selena, a popular singer. A few times before the murder, Selena’s family found that Saldívar had been embezzling money from both the fan club and the boutiques she managed for the singer.

Saldívar was found guilty of murder and sentenced to life in prison with the possibility of parole on day three after the verdict was read; her potential parole date is March 30, 2025.

The former nurse Saldívar used to be a huge admirer of country music. She decided to form a San Antonio fan club after seeing one of Selena’s concerts and began pestering Selena’s father, Abraham Quintanilla with calls. After much persuasion from Saldívar, Quintanilla agreed to become president of the club.

Selena’s Assassination

Saldívar was fired the first week of March 1995 after Selena’s family found out she had been stealing from the fan club and the boutiques. On the morning of March 31st, Selena and Saldívar met at a Days Hotel in Corpus Christi to collect the financial documents that Saldívar had been stalling on handing over.

Saldívar’s allegations of s*xual assault in Mexico caused a delay in the transfer of power. Selena took Saldívar to a nearby hospital, but they said they couldn’t do the gynecological exam because the attack had supposedly occurred in another nation.

Selena’s Assassination

They went back to the motel and Selena insisted on seeing the documents once more. The singer was then threatened by Saldívar, who pulled a.38 calibers Taurus Model 85 handgun from her purse and aimed it at her. When Selena tried to run away, Saldívar shot her once in the back, severing an artery.

Saldívar chased after Selena, calling her names as she raced toward the lobby for help after receiving critical injuries.

For further details on the murders of others, see the posts linked below:

Imprisonment and Judgment

The Latino population of the United States paid great attention to the trial of Saldívar for Selena’s murder. Cameras were allowed inside the courtroom, although the trial itself was not broadcast.

After Saldívar’s attorneys successfully argued that their client would not get a fair trial in Selena, the proceedings were relocated to Houston, Texas.

According to CNN’s reporting prior to the trial, Saldívar’s disputed police confession in which she claims she shot Selena “after an altercation over accusations from the singer’s father that Saldívar stole money from Selena’s accounts” was scheduled to be used by prosecutors.

He heard Saldívar claim the shooting was accidental and that she complained when police omitted to mention it in her statement, Texas Ranger Robert Garza was slated to testify for the defense.

The following are links to our prior posts in which we covered more details on the murders of others:

After the Verdict of the Guilty

After the trial, the police were unable to locate the pistol that had been used to kill Selena. Sandra Oballe, a court reporter, claims she had no idea the firearm was at her home when she bought it in a box of office supplies. It was demolished and its fragments were tossed into Corpus Christi Bay in 2002, despite protests from some historical groups.

After the Verdict of the Guilty

Saldívar has filed a petition with the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals to overturn her conviction. She says she originally petitioned the 214th District Court back in 2000, but the case was never appealed. On the 13th anniversary of Selena’s death, March 31, 2008, her request was received.

Note: That’s how much data we’ve accumulated in this case. Comment below with any other information you may have about her.

Yolanda Saldívar’s backstory and the motivations behind Selena’s murder have been thoroughly discussed. In the comments, you may tell us if you have any questions about the topic or if you have any other feedback. The same goes for our Twitter if you’re interested.

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