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Who Was Found Guilty in the Murder of Pamela Mastropietro?

Murder of Pamela Mastropietro

Murder of Pamela Mastropietro

Pamela Mastropietro, an Italian lady was 18 years old when she disappeared on January 29, 2018. The killing took place not long after in Macerata, Italy. After some time she was murdered in Macerata, Italy.

In May 2019, her killer, a migrant drug dealer from Nigeria named Innocent Oseghale was found guilty and sentenced to life in prison with 18 months of isolation.

In October 2020, the appeal was ruled on and the sentence was upheld. The murder sparked widespread revulsion and resentment in Macerata, as well as a rise in anti-immigrant sentiment. Mastropietro’s mutilated body was discovered by police in Macerata, Italy on January 31.

Murder of Pamela Mastropietro

There was speculation that she was a murder victim, however as of February 2018, her death had not been officially ruled on.

Italian police claimed to have discovered her bloodied garments at the home of Innocent Oseghale, a Nigerian who had relocated to Italy in 2014 but had since dropped out of a refugee support program and begun dealing narcotics.

Funeral services for Mastropietro were held on May 29 at the Ognissanti church in Rome and he was laid to rest in the Campo Verano cemetery. Local Nigerians and diplomatic personnel paid their respects with flowers; Rome Mayor Virginia Raggi and Luca Traini who days later opened fire on many African migrants in Macerata, also paid their respects.

A psychiatrist and criminologist named Alessandro Meluzzi claimed in February 2018 that the murder was linked to criminal syndicates in Nigeria. Notwithstanding Oseghale’s claims that an autopsy conducted in March 2018 revealed that the victim had been stabbed twice in the abdomen.

Murder of Pamela Mastropietro

Magistrate Giovanni Maria Manzoni of Macerata, Italy, dismissed orders of detention on murder, vilification and destruction and concealment of corpse charges against the other two individuals arrested alongside Oseghale on June 7, 2018; they remained in prison on heroin charges.

According to Marino, Oseghale stabbed her in the liver after Mastropietro threatened to call the police on him. He returned to Diaz Gardens in search of a friend he didn’t identify to help hide the body and then he began to dismember her.

To his surprise, she was still breathing, so he stabbed her again. According to Marino, Oseghale also brought up his involvement with the Nigerian mafia. Oseghale began dismembering Pamela while she was still alive. He reportedly began at one of her feet.

If you’re curious to know about the results of the autopsy of Pamela Mastropietro, you may find everything you need to know about her case in the link given below:

Note: That much is known regarding the circumstances of Pamela Mastropietro’s death. We will keep you informed as new details emerge about her murder. We want you to use the space below to contribute any additional information you may know about this case.

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