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‘We Are Struggling’ With Long-COVID, How Little We Know In 3 Years?

COVID-19 is a pandemic that attacks all over the world since 2019 till yet. People face many health issues because of this, even after they recover from it. Doctors also struggled to find accurate diagnoses of COVID. 

Several people faced long COVID and with the help of home testing, and precautions they need not be hospitalized. Now people who unfortunately get issued with COVID get a newly developed version of it. 

According to A Kaiser Family Foundation report collect from the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention found people who get symptoms of COVID even more than three months in 2022 these cases were 35% but cases were reduced in 2023 to 28%. 

Symptoms they notice are irritations can’t get smell properly, constipation, affect mental health and damage to some organs. Despite these other symptoms are some pain in the chest, headaches and not being able to breathe properly. Scientists are still researching to get more sufficient treatment options for COVID.

‘We Are Struggling’ With Long-COVID, How Little We Know In 3 Years?

Symptoms of Long COVID:

If we talk about the symptoms of COVID-19 it affects mostly every part of the body. Systems like heart or cardiovascular problems, respiratory issues, immune system effects, neurological symptoms and even some reproductive issues.  

In 2021 when researcher get their first grip on COVID, Dr. Nasia Safdar, medical director of infection control at the University of Wisconsin, said spots you can recognize whether you are COVID-positive or not start from 30 days ago.

Through these infections, COVID spreads throughout the body. Some symptoms which we do not take seriously are here:

Concentration, memory, being able to do your job the way you could before, Safdar said. Those kinds of symptoms are hard for people to describe, but they’ve clearly noticed a change from the way they were before.” 

According to 2023 reports we come to know that 32% of people feel fatigued for more than 12 weeks, and 22% issue cognitive impairment. Another group of people’s symptoms is different from theirs. Other people are sick and lost their senses like smell, and taste. 

Must read once our below posts if you are concerned about COVID:

Who is The ‘Typical’ Long COVID Patient?


Most of age 36 to 50 were the typical patients of COVID according to the Fair Health study. The study, which looked at data from more than 78,000 patients from Oct. 2021 through Jan. 2022, also found more diagnoses in women than in men and that about 30% of people had no prior diagnosis of a chronic health condition.

Being unvaccinated is another region that affected by COVID for a long time. People already obsessed with diabetes type-2 and a past about with the Epstein-Barr virus. You can get every information about Long COVID at (@long_covid).

Patients who are hospitalized after being affected long develop COVID. Another region to develop typical COVID is middle-class families, who have low income and do not get proper rest.

In children, this was spread more dangerously who already issued with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).  

Roots of Long COVID

People who were hospitalized develop their organs or cells. And people who were not hospitalized developed symptoms of COVID lingering. The workshop will be held in March read (@LongCOVIDEurope):

Treatment of Covid

As we all are aware of the symptoms and treatments of COVID too bored. In the same way, Long COVID also get not yet have any sufficient treatment options despite long-term treatment. Jhons Hopkins said that doctors have to choose their therapy after understanding your symptoms, suggesting physical exercise and breathing exercises. 

Your physician can suggest you some special COVID antiviral medication like Paxlovid. Johns Hopkins Medicine says “it is likely that being vaccinated reduces the risk” of long COVID.

All the updates and necessary information are described above regarding long COVID. If you are issued with any of them, you should visit your family doctors. Stay with us for more health-related updates at

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