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Who Claims that COVID Doc Anthony Fauci Doubled His Networth During Pandemic?

COVID Doc Anthony Fauci Doubled His Networth

COVID Doc Anthony Fauci Doubled His Networth

During the peak pandemic years of 2019–2021, Dr. Anthony Fauci Doubled His Networth. His net worth increased from $7.6 million to $12.6 million.

After the Department of Energy determined that COVID-19 likely originated from a lab leak in Wuhan, Open the Books founder Adam Andrzejewski appeared on The Evening Edit on Fox Business to discuss Fauci, China and other related topics.

Andrzejewski dropped some bombs during the interview, he said:

We’re letting China get away with too much and it’s been going on for decades. It’s a Chinese strategy. For example, last fall, our organization at, we highlighted the strider technologies report, where up to 150 former employees of the los alamos national lab, our crown jewel national lab aren’t working in America anymore. They’re working back in China on behalf of the Chinese communist party and against our military national interests.

Andrzejewski then discussed the fortune amassed by Fauci at the expense of millions of American workers. He said:

We investigated Dr. Fauci because I don’t even think it’s arguable that he is one of the most powerful bureaucrats ever in the history of the country and obviously in crafting America’s COVID response during the pandemic, we gave oversight to the Fauci family finances.

He continues:

We found that Dr. Fauci was the most highly compensated federal employee and he out-earned the president. Last year. He made $480,000 and Mrs. Fauci, Christine Grady, she’s employed as the chief bioethicist at Fauci’s employer, the National Institutes of Health. So while Fauci was crafting national healthcare pandemic policies, he was backstopping those policies through her office on ethics and moral studies.

Now, Dr. Fauci’s retired at the end of the year and he’s retired on the largest pension in federal history. It is estimated that his pension is almost $375,000 a year. According to Andrzejewski’s statement, “Dr. Fauci has been the highest-paid federal employee for years” and that trend will continue even after he retires.

Sean Hannity, TV Host of Fox News Channel shared a Tweet and said, “COVID Doc Nearly Doubled His Networth During Pandemic”.

You can also read our below posts related to the net worth of other stars:

Fauci, who can now set his own schedule will make more than the leader of the free world in a year. The amount of money taxpayers will have to spend on him indefinitely appears to be infinite. Even though he did a terrible job, he was rewarded with a “historical” sum.

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