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When Will the Lenten Season End in 2023?

Lenten Season 2023

Lenten Season 2023

The season of Lent does not always occur in the spring. Since Easter is a moveable feast, the dates of Lent are always a little bit off because it always begins precisely 46 days before Easter Sunday.

Ash Wednesday which marks the beginning of Lent occurs on February 22, 2023, and the season will conclude on Thursday, April 6, 2023, just three days before Easter Sunday.

As a Christian liturgical season, Lent commemorates the time Jesus spent fasting and being tempted by Satan in the desert for 40 days. It’s a time of mourning followed by joyous Easter celebrations. The season of Lent begins on Ash Wednesday and lasts for about six weeks.

Lenten Season 2023

In remembrance of Jesus’ 40 days of temptation in the desert, Christians around the world will devote themselves to prayer, fasting and charitable giving during Lent. Following his baptism, Jesus was taken by the Holy Spirit into the desert to pray and think about his mission.

Today is ash Wednesday and you can read our latest post related to it:

Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent, a time when Christians traditionally mark their foreheads with a cross of ashes as a somber reminder of their own mortality and the beginning of their Lenten discipline. A person’s ashes may be distributed during a Mass or at a separate, shorter service meant for that purpose.

Some Catholic churches even have lay members distribute ashes at busy train stations before people head off to work. When the pandemic hit, churches tried everything from Q-tips to sprinkling ashes on top of people’s heads to avoid direct contact.

This virtual ash effect was made possible by a digital filter developed by Hallow in 2021. Our Twitter page provides up-to-the-minute and accurate coverage of all major religious events, so if you’re interested in reading more, you can follow us there.

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