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Why did Tyrese Give Divorce His Wife Samantha Gibson?

Tyrese Divorce

Tyrese Divorce

On Valentine’s Day of 2017, Tyrese and Samantha Gibson tied the knot in a secret ceremony. In a lengthy Instagram post, Tyrese revealed that he and Gibson had broken up and you can see the post provided below.

Yet TMZ reports that Gibson filed for divorce three months before Tyrese’s social media rant. Tyrese claims in the divorce papers that Gibson threatened to call the police after a heated argument.

The actor claims that in August of 2020, he was flying home from the set of a movie when he was suddenly confronted by Gibson setting off a tense three-hour conversation.

Star of Baby Boy claims he took an Uber away from his home because he was afraid of the police due to multiple public incidents involving police brutality and racially motivated killings of unarmed African American people.

If you want to know about other celebrities divorce, you can check out the post we have given below:

What did Gibson Claim at the time of Divorce?

In the divorce papers she filed back in September 2020, Samantha Lee Gibson claimed that Tyrese cut her off financially and locked her and their 2-year-old daughter, Soraya out of the family’s Georgia home.

Tyrese Divorce

However in the documents he has filed, Tyrese calls BS and says he did not abandon them. However, he admits that he has serious problems with Samantha’s request for $20,000 in child support. According to him, that sum is implausibly high.

Tyrese claims:

Samantha confronted him on the plane ride back from a film set in late August setting off a heated three-hour discussion in which she threatened to call the police. He left the house in an Uber to avoid any potential interaction with the police.

TMZ reports that Lee Gibson has left Tyrese because he changed the locks on their house. He refutes this, saying that they broke up because of an argument in which Lee Gibson threatened to call the police. Lee Gibson requests $20,000 per month in child support in their divorce documents.

Tyrese is seeking a court order to have the child support amount reduced because he believes it is “unreasonably high.”

If you’re interested in reading about the breakups of other famous people, consider these articles:

What did Lee Gibson Say about Tyrese after Divorce?

Lee Gibson claims she is at peace with ending her marriage because she knows she gave it her all and has grown as a person as a result. When a friendship or relationship ends, I know I can just walk away and leave the microphone on the table. She said:

And at that point, I feel like when I do that and I know that God has tapped me on the shoulder and said Okay Sam it’s like you know what? I did everything I could do. At this point, all I can do is trust God. All I can do is either trust God to either do whatever, whether to give me peace and proceed with my peace or continue to stay in this cycle with whatever person I’m dealing with at the time, whether it be a friendship or a relationship.

Tyrese is going through his second separation at this time. There was a nasty custody and child support battle at the end of his marriage to Gibson. But at last, their divorce was finalized. You must tell us your response regarding our post in the comments. If you want to stay up-to-date on the latest happenings in the lives of your favorite celebrities, you can follow us on Twitter.

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