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On “Daily Show” Wanda Sykes Mocks Trump’s Diamond Eulogy

Wanda Sykes Eulogy

Wanda Sykes Eulogy

Ex-SNL cast member and current co-host of The Daily Show Leslie Jones came out swinging last week against a s*xually provocative statue of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., as only she could. Comedian Wanda Sykes took over the desk this past Monday and she mined a similar vein of humor from an unexpected source. (Martin Luther King Jr. Statue details).

Normally, I don’t find funerals funny, but she began getting a laugh for that premise alone. “But here’s a story about a funeral that I found hilarious.”

Sykes was of course talking about the unexpected death of Lynette Hardaway, better known as “Diamond” of the MAGA duo Diamond and Silk.

“You know, those two sisters who are always showing up at [Donald Trump’s] rallies, praising him on TV, setting the Black race back 50 years,” she said. “You know those two.”

She then aired a clip of Trump’s eulogy at Diamond’s weekend funeral, in which he supposedly said he “knew Diamond” but “didn’t know Silk at all.”

Shaking her head, Sykes replied, “Oh my God! Trump showed up to that funeral like, ‘Diamond’s dead, but I’m gonna bury Silk. There’s room for two in that casket.’”

“I mean, c’mon, to say you know Diamond but don’t know Silk is wild because they’re always together!” she continued. “That’s like saying, ‘I know Bert, but I’ve never heard of this Ernie fella, what’s his deal?”

If you wanted to read more articles related to Trump then you can check out our previous posts:

Sykes said that Trump was probably watching her monologue thinking, “Wow, Diamond’s hosting The Daily Show,” based on his “knowing Trump,” and added that he probably can only keep one Black lady in his thoughts at a time. She had been dead for a week, but now she’s back to life all because of me! ”

Here we provide you details relating to how Sykes refers to Diamond’s sudden death including Trump. If you want to be kept up to speed with all the new content on our site, you should follow our  Twitter account.

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