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During the Lunar New Year Chinese Pray For Health, As the COVID Death Rises

Chinese pray for health in Lunar New Year

Chinese pray for health in Lunar New Year

As the COVID death toll rises, Chinese people pray for health during the Lunar New Year. China’s people prayed for health on Sunday, the first day of the Lunar New Year, after three years of stress and financial trouble caused by the pandemic. Between January 13 and 19 officials reported almost 13,000 new deaths caused by the virus.

Thousands of people waited in lines about a kilometer (half a mile) long to pray for their loved ones at the famous Lama temple in Beijing. The temple had been closed many times before COVID-19 restrictions were lifted at the beginning of December.

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This was on top of the nearly 60,000 deaths in the month or so before that. China’s health experts say that the wave of infections has already reached its highest point. China’s Center for Disease Control and Prevention has updated the number of people who have died.

But the number is still very low compared to the rest of the world. Hospitals and funeral homes were full after China threw out the world’s strictest COVID controls and mass testing on December 7. The sudden policy change came after historic protests against the controls.

The number of deaths reported by the Chinese government does not include people who died at home and some doctors say they are told not to put COVID on death certificates. China said on January 14 that between December 8 and January 12, nearly 60,000 COVID-related deaths happened in hospitals.

Chinese pray for health in Lunar New Year

This is a huge increase from the 5,000 or more deaths that were reported during the whole pandemic before. Documents show that funeral homes in many provinces are spending more on things like body bags and cremation ovens.

This is one of many signs that COVID is killing people in China and the Chinese pray for health in Lunar New Year and show their prayers on Twitter. Some health experts think that more than a million people will die from COVID in China this year.

A British health data firm called Airfinity says that this week 36,000 people could die from COVID every day. As millions of migrant workers go back home to celebrate the Lunar New Year, health experts are worried about the people who live in China’s vast countryside where medical facilities aren’t as good as in the rich coastal areas.

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On the last day of the Lunar New Year, 26.23 million trips were made by train, car, ship and plane. This is half of what it was before the pandemic, but it is up 50.8% from last year. People moving around a lot during the holidays could spread the pandemic and make infections worse in some places.

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