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Is Microsoft Net Worth More Than Other Countries GDP?

Is Microsoft Net Worth More Than Other Countries GDP?

Microsoft Net Worth

Microsoft Corporation headquartered in Redmond Washington is an American multinational corporation and a leading provider of computer software and services worldwide. Microsoft is an industry leader in numerous fields, including computer software, personal computers and many more. Microsoft is also highly successful because of its consumer electronics products. Windows is Microsoft’s flagship product, and it’s utilized by the vast majority of people everywhere.

Microsoft Office is a popular product because it has an intuitive interface and can be used by virtually anyone. Microsoft also produces a browser called Edge in addition to Internet Explorer. You will read details about Microsoft’s net worth.

How Much is Microsoft Net Worth?

Microsoft enjoys enormous profits and market value. Shares keep rising, making it impossible to predict what their net worth will be. However, Microsoft is estimated to be worth over $1785 Billion right now. It’s hard to wrap one’s head around such a huge number. Microsoft is a firm worth a trillion dollars, and the value of its brand is more than a trillion dollars. In its early stages, it spawned a number of billionaires and a large number of millionaires.

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Comparison of Microsoft’s Wealth to That of Other Countries

Comparison of Microsoft’s Wealth to That of Other Countries

It’s worth your time to read the final bit. Here, we will evaluate Microsoft’s wealth relative to the GDP of some major nations. For the time being, you will have an idea of Microsoft’s wealth and size.

The names of the various countries are shown in the first column of the table below. Estimated Gross Domestic Product figures for 2021 are listed in the second column. In the final column, we see Microsoft’s net worth in 2022 as a proportion of GDP.

Country Name GDP $ (In Trillion) MICROSOFT Net Worth ($1.925 Trillion) Vs GDP (%)
United States 22.996 8.371 %
China 17.734 10.855 %
Japan 4.937 38.991 %
Germany 4.223 45.584 %
India 3.173 60.668 %

Where does MSFT’s Net Worth come Closest to the GDP of a Country?

The net worth of Microsoft is most similar to the GDP of Italy. (Italy’s total national income was $2.1 trillion.)

Technology Company Microsoft Releases Evolution

Technology Company Microsoft Releases Evolution

The Microsoft Corporation is a truly gigantic organization within the realm of information technology. Bill Gates and Paul Allen established the corporation on April 4, 1975, in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The company started off as an effort to commercialize BASIC interpreters for the Altair 8800. The company’s MS-DOS operating system became a phenomenon in the middle of the 1980s. Microsoft’s original DOS operating system went on to become the industry standard.

The company went public in 1986, and since then, share values have increased dramatically. Microsoft’s stock appreciation has created three billionaires and 12,000 millionaires within the company’s ranks. The situation at the time was miraculous. After the year 1990, Microsoft began buying up smaller technology firms and IT programs. When Microsoft purchased LinkedIn in 2016, it was one of the company’s largest purchases to that point, costing $26.2 billion. In 2011, they spent $8.5 billion to buy Skype.

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When Bill Gates stepped down as CEO in 2000, Steve Ballmer took over. Ballmer’s foresight inspired Microsoft to develop many desktop and handheld devices. In 2008, Microsoft purchased Danger Inc. and in 2012, the company released the first Surface line of computers, tablets, and mobile phones. Microsoft may have lost the smartphone market to Android, but it is still the most valuable publicly traded firm.

Final Lines

Everyone knows about the name Microsoft. We have also provided you details about How much is Microsoft’s net worth above. Microsoft is one of the biggest American multinational companies. Keep following for more updates. Don’t forget to bookmark our site for the latest updates.

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