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Why Amanda Palmerand Neil Gaiman Divorce After 11 Years?

Neil Gaiman Divorce

Neil Gaiman Divorce

Neil Gaiman divorce: Gaiman Author of Coraline and The Sandman and Palmer rumors revolving that they are going to separate.  They decide to divorce after eleven years of marriage. To confirm their divorce news read here. 

Why Neil Gaiman and Amanda Palmer announce divorce?

Singer and artist Amanda Palmer and Neil announced their divorce news on 4 November 2022 as they confirm on their official page on social media.  The statement began: “After many years of marriage, we have made the difficult decision to divorce.” As they complete 11 years of marriage and they have a son also. 

Palmer said that for being a couple they are not growing anything big in life “slutty, but compassionately so”. She said kisses at parties like strangers “We told you so!”  Open marriage is enjoyed by glamorous Bloomsbury, and functional, nothing else. Even then it can bore you after a time. We can’t say that every couple is happy with the open marriage concept but ok with it.

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When do They meet First?

They met first in 2009, by email. Gaiman likes Palmer’s songs and she thanks him for that. Although she does not know details about Gaiman, with a common friend she comes to know. She said: “I’d heard of him, but never read any of his work. I just knew he was a comic guy, that he was famous and a goth.”

But very soon they married in 2011 after two years of dating. But before this, they already did a binding wedding in 2010, unknown to everyone. But officially in 2010, they announced their engagement, on Gaiman’s blog. 

“While we will no longer be partners in marriage, we will remain in one another’s lives as co-parents committed to raising our wonderful son in a loving and compassionate environment.”

“We deeply appreciate everyone respecting our family’s privacy so we can focus on our son and enter this new chapter in our lives.” 

Gaiman said that to depart from his wife, known as a member of the Dresden Dolls, and son: “My fault, I’m afraid, I’d hurt her feelings very badly and… we agreed we needed to give each other some space.”

James Moran said: “Very sorry to hear this, and hope you all find the space to get through it. Big cuddles to you all.”

Their fans are also sad after hearing this. They came on Twitter and said, One wrote: “Well… damn. I was really hoping you two could have worked things out. Glad you’re still able to come together for the kiddo. He’s [lucky] to have two amazing and loving parents.”

“Much love to you both,” added a second. “Decisions like this are always hard to make. May your co-parenting be without strife.”

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“I’m sorry,” wrote a third. “What a beautiful continued commitment. I’m glad it’s as amicable as it can be.”

Gaiman also posted a letter you can read below:

This has been a hard few weeks for us. We are not getting divorced. It’s not that exciting.

We love each other very deeply. As sometimes happens during the course of a long marriage, we have hurt each other. We have lived our lives individually, and then as a couple, very publicly (and right now, too publicly).  

We have been trying to figure out how best to love each other for twelve years. It is fair to say that this relationship has been the hardest, but also the most rewarding, collaboration of our lives. 

Living in lockdown is hard. Working on a marriage, as everyone married knows, is also hard. And we are very aware there are thousands, probably millions of people who have been dealing with their own versions of problems like ours over the last few months – and many face situations that are far worse.

We will sort out our marriage in private, which is where things like this are best sorted. We’re working together to try and do this better. We care about each other so much, and we have a small boy we love and delight in, and those are reasons enough to work together to fix things. 

So that’s what’s going on. It’s not as much fun or as interesting as the newsfeed headlines made it seem.

For anyone who felt the urge to choose sides on this, trust us, there really aren’t any sides to be taken: we are on our side, and we’re on Ash’s side, and we hope you are too.

None of us know what the future is going to look and feel like, right now, and that’s scary. We need to be able to have each other’s backs. So please, if you can, have our backs, and we will do our best to have yours. 

And to the vast majority of people out there who have been kind and sane and supportive to both of us, and to each other, thank you, we love you and appreciate it, and you, so very much.

Peace, and definitely love,

Neil and Amanda

Final Lines:

Palmer and Gaiman are now divorced. But they didn’t give up on this. To know more about the other celebrity life bookmark your site

Frequently Asked Questions

Have Amanda Palmer and Neil Gaiman split up?

Fantasy author Neil Gaiman and his singer wife Amanda Palmer, officially announced their divorce news as they are not satisfied with their open marriage.  After eleven years of marriage, they now split off. 

Are Neil and Amanda still together?

As it is not confirmed why they divorced but now they live separately. But also stated that they will come together in the future for their son. 

Did Sam and Neil stay together on Married At First Sight?

Samantha said after divorcing Neil,  “realize why my previous relationships were a failure.” She was able to “learn from that.”

She said that her divorce from Married, At First Sight, helped her somehow for a new relationship. 

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