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Who is John Eastman and why is The Law Professor charged by the Jan. 6 committee?

Who is John Eastman

Who is John Eastman

 Who is John Eastman?: John Eastman, a former professor of Chapman University is also one of them who was charged with a federal crime by the Jan. 6 committee for attacking the capital in 2021. Both Eatman and former President Trump have to go through federal criminal charges for defrauding the country. Two other charges include conspiracy to make a false statement and inciting, assisting, or aiding or comforting an insurrection.

“[Trump] entered into agreements, formal and informal, with several individuals who assisted him with his criminal objects,” Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) said. 

Eastman said that the department, “carries no more legal weight than a ‘referral’ from any American citizen.” “In fact, a ‘referral’ from the January 6th committee should carry a great deal less weight due to the absurdly partisan nature of the process that produced it,” Eastman said.

“A combination of bogus election fraud claims and … fake electoral ballots to say that (Vice President) Mike Pence, presiding over the joint session, could reject legitimate electoral votes for President-elect Biden,” said Democratic committee member Rep. Pete Aguilar of California. Committee also said that when the 2020 election was held, before that, Eastman admitted that Pence can’t “lawfully refuse to count official electoral votes,” so they made a scheme.

Who is John Eastman and why is The Law Professor charged by the Jan. 6 committee?


“I think the point can’t be lost that a congressional referral, criminal referral, as much attention as it’s getting, really carries no legal significance,” said Charlie Burnham, Eastman’s attorney, on a call with reporters following Monday’s Jan. 6 committee meeting. His other attorney, Harvey Silvergate, said one has to look “very closely at what Dr. Eastman did and see whether in fact he was engaged in a political act or whether it’s actually criminal.” 

Eastman was involved in the Trump election stolen theory, it was said by former vice President Mike Pence. Eastman was central to “the development of a legal strategy to justify a coup,” according to Douglas Letter. Again he is involved in another scam of Trump after losing the 2020 election, for appointing him to a state. The investigation is ongoing and both are declared as part of a “criminal conspiracy.” 

“[Eastman’s] role was not simply as an advisor; he spoke at the rally on the morning of January 6, spreading falsehoods to tens of thousands of people,” the committee wrote. Including Trump and Eastman, the Committee also investigates Trump Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, former Justice Dept. official Jeffrey Clark, and former Trump Lawyer Rudy Giuliani. Eastman has a connection with Southern California. 

Who is John Eastman?

Eastman was born in Lincoln, Neb., and completed his bachelor’s degree at the University of Dallas. He also collects a law degree from the University of Chicago Law School. In 1999, he entered Chapman University’s law school he worked as a clerk for Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.

Now he is appointed as a senior fellow at the Claremont Institute and the founder of the Center for Constitutional Jurisprudence. In a speech for Jan 6,  2021 incident he asked Pence, “let the legislatures of the states look into this, so we get to the bottom of it, and the American people know whether we have control of the direction of our government or not.”

Most of the members of Chapman University including three trustees demand action against Eastman, “should disqualify him from the privilege of teaching law to Chapman students and strip him of the honor of an endowed chair.” As they take any action against him he existed, and he affects the University’s reputation badly. Eastman entered Trump’s orbit without permission after the 2020 election day. 

What did Eastman do?

Eastman is the most profitable option for Trump in the 2020 election. He advised that Pence is the person who collects votes from states and take it to the electors. It was confirmed that Eastman is included in a very high-profile meeting with Trump in January 2021. 

Eastman “admitted in advance of the 2020 election that Mike Pence could not lawfully refuse to count official elector votes. But he nevertheless… deployed a combination of bogus election fraud claims and the fake electoral ballots to say that Mike Pence, presiding over the joint sessions, could reject legitimate electoral votes for President-elect Biden,” said Rep. Pete Aguilar (D-Redlands). His emails also aired in which he was talking with Pence staff. 


The ‘siege’ is because YOU and your boss did not do what was necessary to allow this to be aired in a public way

“And I said to him, ‘Are you out of your effing mind?’” Herschmann said. “I said, ‘I only want to hear two words coming out of your mouth from now on: ‘orderly transition.’”

“I said, ‘Good, John. Now I’m going to give you the best free legal advice you’re ever getting in your life: Get a great effing criminal defense lawyer. You’re going to need it,’” Herschmann said. “And then I hung up on him.”

“could unilaterally reject electoral votes and simply declare President Trump reelected.”

“The advice I gave to then-Vice President Pence was that he accede to requests from hundreds of state lawmakers to delay proceedings for a short time so that they could assess the effect of illegalities on the conduct of the election,” he wrote.

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