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Afghan Special Forces Commando Claiming Asylum gets Entangled in flawed US Immigration System

US Immigration System

US Immigration System

This is a heartbreaking tale of an Afghan soldier and the dysfunctional US immigration and asylum system. Abdul Wasi Safi is a former member of Afghanistan’s elite special forces who received training from the United States military. Wasi was still battling the Taliban in the north when Kabul fell. After the last American plane left Kabul on August 30, 2021, Wasi went into hiding, eventually making his way to Pakistan with the aid of U.S. veterans. He was planning to immigrate to the United States legitimately and was applying for a special visa.

As a result of the U.S. government’s oversight, the Taliban were in possession of his biometric information and were actively searching for him. Wasi is now a symbol of America’s failing asylum system as he sits in a Texas prison, waiting to be deported to Kabul, where he will likely be killed.

He went through great peril for an entire year, crossing two continents. Although he was granted entry to Brazil, once there he discovered that Afghans were stigmatized as terrorists throughout Latin America. Thus, he set off for the United States border. He traveled on foot and public transportation through ten nations, where he was beaten, tormented, and robbed along the way. Some of the footage he shot while making the perilous journey through the Darien Gap near Panama was shared with Fox News. To his satisfaction, the Taliban treated him the way he anticipated they would.

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All of the Central American countries plus Mexico: Ecuador, Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala, and Mexico. I traveled so far to go to the United States in the belief that its government would aid me “I was talking to Fox, Wasi revealed.

Unfortunately, He was Apprehended while attempting to cross the Rio Grande at the Border

Sami-Ullah Safi, Wasi’s brother, began working for the United States military as a translator in 2010. With the help of a special immigrant visa, Sami settled in Houston in 2015, and he eventually became a naturalized citizen of the United States in July 2021, only one month before Kabul fell.

Since the Taliban took over Afghanistan, he has been attempting to aid his brother in leaving for the United States. His brother’s ordeal on the journey to Texas and his subsequent treatment astounded him, he claimed.

Dead bodies could be seen floating down the river. Numerous deaths occurred along the route. And he said that there were people in the jungle that would sometimes rob and primarily kill people. And he made it through, “Sami exclaimed in shock. He coordinated with NGOs supporting American veterans to secure funding for Wasi’s trip and a Brazilian visa.

On September 30th, Wasi made his way across the Rio Grande into American territory, confident that he would be welcomed by the U.S. administration and the special forces with which he had served. As far as he was concerned, people had to be familiar with his name.

Political Polarization Around Us Immigration Policy

The U.S. military has my biometric information, Wasi stated. “I am also biometrically cleared by the special forces headquarters. I found myself at Marmol Prison. Members of the United States armed forces were present. There was a presence of U.S. Army personnel. During our time together, we participated in several mission trips.”

Sami spoke on the reasons that she and Wasi are dissatisfied with the American government and military.

“His expectations were not met, and this has left him feeling devastated. Those who assured him constantly, “We’re battling against shared enemy,” are the ones he’s now appealing to. We are in this together, arm in arm. He’s reaching out to his fellow ‘war buddies.’ “What Sami had to say. “He had not anticipated such hostility from American officials. To be greeted as a hero, as he had anticipated.”

Rather, a border patrol agent tracked his tracks after he crossed the Rio Grande. Despite asking the agent for refuge, Wasi was ultimately detained and charged with a federal offense for entering the nation unlawfully. After being arrested, he was transferred from the Val Verde Correctional Facility to the Eden Detention Facility in Texas.

Ben Owen, a soldier from the United States who founded the charity Flanders Fields to aid homeless veterans and Afghans, has assisted the Safi family in navigating the legal system.

“Around ninety or more other migrants were also caught and then freed alongside him on the night he made the crossing. However, the one American serviceman who we know has America’s best interests at heart and would put himself in harm’s path to defend it remains in captivity “The statement was made by Owen to Fox News.

Updates on Us Immigration Policy

Due to his illegal border crossing, Wasi faces criminal charges and possible repatriation to Afghanistan.

“To answer your question about how we know who he is, we discovered him on the rolls through the last special operation task force commander to leave Afghanistan,” Owen explained. “He is, therefore, 100% genuine in his identity claims. In terms of credentials, we’re completely covered. We know he completed officer training in India and led a group of people there. If anything, Jennifer, these dudes have been through more screening processes than either of us. Annual polygraph tests are being discussed. We’ve learned everything there is to learn about them. They are definitely not terrorists.”

In reality, despite Wasi’s capture and imprisonment, his brother Sami still assists American soldiers like Ben Owen.

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