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Chicago PD Season 10 Episode 4 Reviews and Trailer

Chicago PD Season 10 Episode 4

Chicago PD Season 10 Episode 4

Chicago PD Season 10 Episode 4 was the first episode to focus on Dante Torres, and it did not let us down. As time goes on, Benjamin Levy Aguilar proves once again that he is a star in this position. Finally, Dante Torres has established himself as an integral part of the Intelligence team and the show overall.

Bringing him on board was one of the smartest moves we’ve made in a long time. There were many of us who speculated, and I’m relieved to say that Oceanwater exceeds our wildest expectations. Torres needed a guide to help him along in Jay’s absence, and Atwater makes the most sense.

Knowing the troubled history and experiences of BIPOC and law enforcement, they may relate to what it’s like to be a Brown/Black man, especially when working as a police officer. They also understand the unique challenges of being a man of color and a law enforcement officer, two identities that are often portrayed as mutually exclusive.

The weight of knowing that they are both a shield and a sword for their communities in protecting them from outside forces (the police and the system, respectively) and from within (one another) is something both Atwater and Torres carry with them constantly.

It controls their every action because they know and agree that they can bring about real change from within the system, and this idea determines their every action and decision.

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Torres has no one else to turn to for advice in such matters, so watching Atwater walk him through his own personal case was riveting. It did an excellent job of both deepening our familiarity with Torres as a character and increasing Atwater’s prominence in the show.

Chicago PD Season 10

It’s clear that this is the start of a lovely friendship, and Atwater has no trouble stepping into the role of mentor. It’s been established throughout the series that Atwater has faced similar challenges previously, and despite the unit’s unwavering backing, he did so on his own.

The fact that he can give Torres something he couldn’t else obtain strengthens the instantaneous connection they’ve made. That’s another reason why the series succeeds when its cast is diverse.

Furthermore, as individuals with distinct backgrounds and life experiences, they all have something new to offer, which helps to keep discussions interesting.

The fact that the series has already aired for 10 years aids that story immensely since we have watched Atwater’s development, growth, and evolution, and how he has earned every bit of the knowledge and the position to guide a newcomer like Torres.

The development of Atwater and Torres’s characters in tandem is one of the many reasons this episode was successful.

Where is Vives? the clock demanded. Additionally, it might as well have questioned our knowledge of Dante Torres. Nonetheless, his origins and upbringing will have lasting effects on his career as a law enforcement officer, making up an integral part of his identity.

He is emphatic about not having to choose between his job and his community, and he will make every effort to do so.

The passing of the hour revealed that everyone was wondering who Torres was. The scene where he and his mother speak Spanish at home while eating dinner together was really moving.

Everything about that moment felt so genuine, so true to life, that it was a breath of fresh air. We haven’t seen this kind of authenticity in a character’s private life in quite some time, at least not regularly. The emotional core was a refreshing return to form for the show.

Chicago PD

The use of the characters’ personal cases to delve more deeply into their personalities was successful here as well. When Torres discovered Provi’s body, I felt terrible for him.

We can only guess at the depths of his regret at missing her calls and realizing that she had been trying to reach out to him for assistance, but that he had been unable to reach her in time to make a difference.

We all know that this is his top priority, so his initial setback in this regard must have left him reeling and confused.

Torres almost loses his life because he is so focused on his mission. He doesn’t want to start shooting at the local Black and Brown community. He has a natural inclination to keep everyone safe, but he could use a dose of realism.

It’s admirable that he puts in the effort and occasionally succeeds in calming people down or getting through to them, but he shouldn’t put himself in danger by waiting too long to take action. His reluctance or the weight of his conscience may mean the difference between life and death.

Murder is the ultimate litmus test for society and one’s place within it. Torres doing everything in his power to identify those responsible for Provi’s killing might seem like it wouldn’t cause any problems, but Provi deserved justice.

Nonetheless, the gang had its own idea of justice that didn’t need Torres’s help in any way, so it wouldn’t betray its members or reveal their secrets to him. Even though Torres has protected the area for years and is well-respected by the police, the locals are still wary of him.

The 1-8 dragged the case into a gang subplot, and the more the hour focused on that subplot, the more trouble Torres had. The fact that he comes from poor beginnings, has street cred and represents the same neighborhood as its residents are both his greatest strength and his worst weakness.

Torres nearly botched their procedure as a result of the woman’s missed calls due to the smoke alarm. He was so worried that someone was going to come after his mother because of him that he almost coated them with lead, and Mia was in danger.

By the end of the hour, it’s easy to see why she felt taken advantage of. It was obvious that they were close, but Torres may not have invested enough time in cultivating that closeness before resorting to checking her phone for information.

Seeing one of the gang members beat Mia up was disturbing. While much of the chaos might be attributed to Quico’s bluster, it was nevertheless disheartening to see things go out of hand because so many people were too timid to speak up and so many others refused to let Torres in.

His saint card, tattoo, and (at times) annoying preference for white t-shirts were all like puzzle pieces that let me understand him better.

Having the newest character carry an episode just after a veteran’s death could have been a gamble, but it paid off. Although it was strange that we didn’t receive the goodbyes, they didn’t completely disregard Jay’s leaving. The other people’s subtle recognition that life would be different without Jay meant a lot.

Chicago PD Season 10 Trailer

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