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Who is Sam Harris? His New Statment On Hunter Biden Former Laptop

Who is Sam Harris? His New Statment On Hunter Biden Former Laptop

Samuel Harris is a philosopher, author, and host of a podcast. He is also known among the four Horsemen of new Atheism, with Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, and Daniel Dennett. He wore more than ten books based on religion and other topics. In 2013 he start hosting Making Sense podcast and in 2018, he launched a meditation app Waking Up with Sam Harris.

 This philosopher comes into controversy because of his statement on Biden’s laptop and Trump’s re-election in 2020. He opened everything about president Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden. He said, “Hunter Biden literally could have had the corpses of children in his basement, I would not have cared. There’s nothing, it’s Hunter Biden, it’s not Joe Biden.”

After then he blamed Trump for corruption and Joe Biden’s corruption does not exist of any value in front of Trump.

He then stated, “Whatever the scope of Joe Biden’s corruption is we could just go down that rabbit hole endlessly and understand that he’s getting kickbacks from Hunter Biden’s deals in Ukraine or wherever else right? Or China. It is infinitesimal compared to the corruption we know Trump is involved in.”

Sam said that in Biden’s Laptop Trump University is the worse. “It doesn’t even stack up to Trump University. Trump University, as a story, is worse than anything that could be in Hunter Biden’s laptop, in my view.”

He said that Trump’s re-election for president is a” left-wing conspiracy” and “Now that doesn’t answer the people who say ‘it’s still completely unfair to not have looked at the laptop in a timely way and to have shut down the New York Post’s Twitter account. Like that, that’s a left-wing conspiracy to deny the presidency to Donald Trump.’ Absolutely it was. But I think it was warranted.”

This interview got viral on social media immediately.

“Hunter Biden literally could have had the corpses of children in his basement, I would not have cared. There’s nothing, it’s Hunter Biden, it’s not Joe Biden” Sam Harris.

Sam Harris and Hunter Biden Laptop Controversy

A former laptop became the reason for many problems for Biden and Trump as emails contains in it got posted on media. In these emails, you can find a hint of Joe and Biden proof. It became more controversial when The New York Twitter account got locked where all these posts are available. Now it became a big topic for debate on every news channel.

In these posts, one more statement from Harris is enough to create a new controversy. Some people agreed with Sam and some denied this did not make any sense. To prove himself true he wished that it was the right time to open Biden’s laptop story in the white house, he also alleged to Trump, that he know everything but did not try to stop it.

Harris used Twitter and explained his comment in brief and post some tweets. You can see these tweets here. “let alone the US, and when he became a sitting president who would not commit to a peaceful transfer of power, I viewed him as more dangerous still. (However, I’ve never been under any illusion that he is Orange Hitler.)”

“I was essentially arguing for a principle of self-defense (where there’s a continuum of proportionate force that is appropriate and necessary to use). I’ve always viewed Trump as a very dangerous person to elect as president of a fake university.”

After a series of tweets, he stated conclude of all is, “that the Democrats would have been right to commit election fraud or take other illegal measures to deny Trump the presidency.” 

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