The tenth installment of Fast & Furious is just on the pipeline now. The last installment of the action-adventure film is here and as we all saw in the ninth installment of Fast & Furious in which Gisele died which made fans really disheartened.
Similar to Vin Diesel and several others, Gal Gadot is a core part of the popular franchise. Till now, the main franchise has given us classic nine films and fans are eagerly waiting for the release of the last installment of the film.
SO now, the question is, “Is Gal Gadot actually getting back for the last chapter of the franchise? Check out the full article to know about it.
What Is the Release Date of Fast & Furious 10?
So, the fans have been waiting impatiently to know the release date of the tenth installment of the film as they just cannot wait to watch the final chapter of this action-packed film.
According to reports from sources, the upcoming part of the movie is slated to kick off later this year provided the film’s release doesn’t get postponed. As of now, Fast & Furious 10 is slated to roll out on May 19, 2023.
Gal Gadot Returning in Fast & Furious 10? Is Gisele Alive? Are the Rumours True?
As we want to see Gisele, Han also wants the same. Recently, Sung Kang who is well known for his role of Han in the franchise was seen in an exclusive interview.
Of course, he was questioned regarding the tenth installment of Fast & Furious. And, once the fans get to know his response they will surely be surprised. This time, the speculations that are circulating might turn out to be true.
Kang believes the dodges are connected with Gisele. Gal Gadot returning is needed by them in the upcoming part of the film. According to some sources, Gisele has not been murdered by Mr. Nobody.
Gal Gadot is alive and Gisele has escaped death through the disaster. It is also being said by some sources that Mr. Nobody has bluffed his actions. So, in order to figure out the fact behind this question, we will have to wait for Fast & Furious 10.
As of now, no reaction or statement has come out from Gal Gadot in response to the rumors that are spreading. We hope to soon get confirmation from Gadot herself about the rumors.
What Is the Expected Storyline of Fast & Furious 10?
The upcoming installment has been in the discussions. While everyone out there is keeping a close watch on Fast & Furious 10, the next quest is approaching for Dom in order to protect the world yet again.
Furthermore, some dead characters can also appear in the final chapter of the film. Similar to Gisele, we can also see Dom’s father returning for the film. The film is sure to give us sort of a rollercoaster ride since something really special is being planned by the creators of the film for all the loyal fans.
It is expected that the filming will begin quite soon. Still, there are many cliffhangers and questions left in the earlier installment and we are sure the upcoming part will bring answers to all these. Mr. Nobody isn’t also dead.
And above all, we might see Shaw once again turning into a villain. We had seen Han meeting Shaw in the end credit scenes of the ninth installment of Fast & Furious which indicates that something really big and hazardous is about to occur.
So, that’s all we knew so far. We will keep you updated with all the latest information on the subject until then stay tuned to our website.